Benjamin Kwiecień 🇵🇸

Open on

🌍 Esperantist, educator, and amateur linguist
📚 BA in Persian language and literature
🎙️ Host of Gemini Radio 💁
➡️ gemini://
⚠️ Warning: GoToSocial is currently in alpha; my profile may not be accurate when viewed remotely



Peter Paterson - SolusSpider (AKA: MintSpider)
Scotsman in KY. Married.
Believer in Jesus Christ
Linux User: Solus & PCLinuxOS
Food Banker: Procurement & Reporting
MissionAssist Volunteer Keyboarding Member
#Christian #Linux #FoodBank #MissionAssist #fedi22

Izuru Yakumo (八雲 イズル)

An ambiguous human being who claims to be a hermit and a servant of Yukari Yakumo. He was known as Nova for two years before his complete disappearance.

He likes Touhou Project and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
He is also the co-owner of

Born in hell (figuratively), but even someone like him can see lies anywhere.

Needless to say, he has ADHD, typically a major deal-breaker in his existence.

Maintains a lot of software (typically hard-forks) named after Touhou characters.

en_GB | es_AR | ja_JP (by using translator)

#東方Project #JJBA #nobot

Bruce McK

Husband, retired lawyer and one time academic, amateur musician; long time member of the community of folk with disabilities.


Venezuelan migrant
Solar energy engineer


Nur alia rifuĝinto, kiu fuĝis de Elon Musk Tvitero serĉante azilon for de Trump kaj Pitersen. Mi ankaŭ devas anticipe pardonpeti, ke mia esperanto estas mezbona kaj mia ortografio estas malbona en ĉiuj lingvoj.

Hiro :longcat021::longcat023::longcat024:

I'm a #Linux and #Emacs learner. Love 2D games like #CataclysmDDA .
I am
#bilingual 2.5 languages to be exact.
🇯🇵 #Japanese (fluent)
🇺🇲 English (fluent-ish) and
🇪🇸🇵🇪 #Spanish (intermediate)

I would renote (boost) animal pictures like
#cats, #dogs, #birds and more!
This is English main account.

​:google_musical_notes:​ ​:google_musical_notes:​

If you send your follow request, I will check your profile, posts and comments so I can see who you are first.


Lars Lehtonen

I write Go. I ride bicycles with amateur radios attached. I live in Los Angeles. #cycling #fedi22


Mobile Developer. Autistic + ADHD. Cis male, trans ally. Yorkshire, UK. Glacial erratic. #nobot

My posts disappear after 1 month. Don't follow unless you have some posts, I need to gauge how safe you are.

Helioso Novako

Saluton. Mi estas komencanta esperantisto kaj doktora studento. Mi loĝas en Usono, sed mi eble volas foriri. Mi ŝatas lerni pri fungoj, ludi videoludoj, kaj mia kato. Li nomiĝas Bakisto (Baker). Mi havas koramikon-- ne, ne havas koramikinon. Parolu al mi, sed estu pacienca.

🇺🇸 | 🏳️‍🌈 | 🍄 | 🔬 | 🎮 | 🐈 | 🖋️


Mystical wild animal, sneaked into the internet. Whispering processes.

Hi! I like lots of things, and I post them here when I remember to.

- permaculture
- 3d printing
- web programming
- smolnet

anti-capitalist & anti-fascist