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My secondary account is: (still active)

Solutions Architect by day, lazy #coder and #devops at night…
Love #opensource and minimalist tools. I mainly use #TUI software with #i3wm. #vim and #emacs / #orgmode user. Favorite distros are #archlinux and #debian. Happy owner of a laptop.
Big fan of the #gemini space!

Gemini Capsule: gemini://
Git Repos:

I speak (more or less correctly) English and French.
I often add/remove people trying to keep a home timeline bearable, don't take it personally :)



Educator, trainer, physicist, engineer, parent. Interested in family, country walks, good books. Not interested in 'gritty' TV shows, as I was born in gritty times, and I've seen enough.

I remember the 1980s, and Sinclair ZX81s before they became museum pieces.

"We wunt be druv."

Udovič Arns (zordsdavini)


Communist computer god gang



Velocipede Rider

I commute via :unicycle:, 🛴, "halfbike" or :penny_farthing: because they are great fun! But I love all types of cycles.

I also like minimalist tech: non-smartphones, old school digital watches, Slackware, Gemini/Gopher.

I feel very strongly that if you use a "free service" and enjoy it you should donate to its up keep.

Pronouns: He/him/his

P.S. I work for @Vivaldi

#cycling #unicycle #unicyclist #PennyFathing #Halfbike #fedi22 #VivaldiBrowser searchable

Albert Larsan



chibi-[N]ah🇫🇷 :gold_account:

Tout bien que tu détiens est un souci qui te retient !

Codeur le jour, bidouilleur la nuit…
Parle parfois de karaoké.
Utilise principalement :debian: et :sailfishos:
Trolle, raconte des conneries, siofrap ne eugnalgroz, et râle beaucoup.
Aime regarder passer les trains 🚆🚄🚅🚞🚂
Imprime aussi des trucs en 3D.
Tags : #noindex #nobot #Nancy #anime #manga #videogame #3dprinting #velotaf #SWL
Compte Gold :gold_account: certifié par John Mastodon

GuB 🕶️🎸🔌🎚️🔊💥

Je n'aime pas le café, vous voilà prévenus.
Je pouêt ce que je veux comme je le pense, silencez-moi plutôt que de râler.
Je ne raconte pas ma vie ici.
J'aime bien les gens sympas, il y en a plein ici. J'ai une patience très très limitée envers les abrutis.
Comme dans l'inspecteur Gadget, mes messages s'autodétruisent (au bout de quelques mois, vous avez le temps de courir).

Pas de Alt, pas de partage.

Ni rwa ! Ni rinne ! Ni djeus ! Ni maets ! Fini de s'faire avwar. Miyards !


I work on "large" distributed systems with #Rust, #Golang, #Python

🇬🇧 , 🇩🇪 and 🇫🇷

When not in front of a screen, #running, #music, #hiking

Emmanuel Wald

Father and husband. Trainee pastor in Alsace, France, in a united Protestant church (@com_uepal). PhD in Protestant theology and history of medieval Christianity. Urban cyclist. French (and soon Luxembourgian too).

Toot about #religion(s), #theology, #ethics, #society, #ecology, #FLOSS and #Linux, #TTRPG s & #DnD, #Smolnet, … mostly in #French, but also occasionally in #English and #Esperanto (and, I hope, soon in #Norwegian too).

Against racism, homophobia, transphobia, chauvinism, …