Alex Schroeder

Open on

Biology, Plants, Birds, Photography, Switzerland, Emacs, Wiki, Gemini, Programming, Tea, Drawing, Music. Moving over from, slowly.
Languages: gsw de en fr pt.



new no new age advanced ambient motor music machine.

#Naarm / #Melbourne, #Australia. I love #walking as a way to explore #Photography (also #FilmPhotography) and #Music. Not scared of Public Transport, and favour #trains. Into #Unix-es (inc #Linux) and #Emacs for 30 years, along with #SelfHosting and hosting for others - I appreciate the _distributed_ nature of the Internet. I'm here for the community, not the daily drama/outrage, and post/boost accordingly.

(previously on


Lisper/Schemer, CAD software developer, Integrated Circuit metaprogrammer, dependent types enthousiast.

Programming should be more accessible. Electronic AF.

I post music stuff too, mostly Irish Trad, but not exclusively. And food, mostly Italian, but not exclusively. Marbh le tae agus marbh gan é: tea posting too.

English, Français, Deutsch. Un po d'italiano. Labhraím Gaeilge. He/him. France

Inhabitant of Carcosa :emacs:

This is where I'm on my nerd s&%t.

I've been using #emacs for over thirty (30) years now, and it is my primary computing environment. I'm very active on #gemini, not so much on the fediverse.


Fighting for climate justice.


my experimental alt

he/him or they/them

i like personal programming, non-corporate online communities, and personal webpages


Interstellar forever

The Duality of Xan


poet • author • astrophysicist • supervillain 


After life scatters your petals, you’ll wear your thorns on full display. 

I tag my writing with #IndigoInk.

Paul SomeoneElse

My name is Paul.
I like bands like High on Fire.
I like bicycles but don't ride them anymore.
I'm some form of socialist/anarchist and pro-labor / unions.
I volunteer for both :)

I like all of the programming languages and switch too often between them.
vi not vim, but emacs is ok too especially when doing lisp stuff.

Luddite under protest

I would rather not be a #luddite but the incompetence of the tech industry gives me little choice. I will not support lousy technology, thus most technology.


archetypical nerd; #rpg #ttrpg #unix #linux #programming #ui #history #trivia #munich #music #retrocomputing
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