Alex Schroeder

Open on

Biology, Plants, Birds, Photography, Switzerland, Emacs, Wiki, Gemini, Programming, Tea, Drawing, Music. Moving over from, slowly.
Languages: gsw de en fr pt.



marxist luddism, tech criticism, free software.
music, movies, books.

previously: (2017-04-03), (2017-04-06, RIP), (2017-04-26, RIP)

art by franz w. seiwert


Progressiv humanist, far til to små drenge.
Dyrker yoga og spiller guitar i min fritid.

Jeg bruger en del tid på min køkkenhave og synes at krydderurter og medicinske planter er spændende.

Elektroniktekniker v. stråleterapi

sejo ✨🌊

having fun IRL and in the smolnet.

pronouns: they/them, he/him


Human. Tickler of computers. Father of dudes.

#birds #cycling #emacs #graphicnovels #guix #movies #lisp #scifi


Retired chemical engineer. Currently feeding my intellect with mammalian #biology and #microbiology, the network and complex system aspects of biology, and the brain/body mechanisms via the vagus nerve.

Recent-ish love of "The Hidden Half of Nature: The Microbial Roots of Life and Health" and "I Contain Multitudes".

Favorite papers as of May 2023 (so far): "The Danaid Theory of Aging", "Systems Biology of Phenotypic Robustness and Plasticity"

Activities: #weightlifting and #hiking

Paul Goble :base:

Paul Goble, technical writer in the USA. I help scientists solve their most difficult measurement problems. I hope your day is better because we have met!


Human tutti frutti
#Washy fan

(A2 English level - y bajanding -)


Figuring things out, one model at a time

Rainbow Stardiver

A human man from planet Earth trapped in the Internet and unable to escape.


Graphics/multimedia researcher at Nokia. On my spare time I write code for fun.

Recently I've been focusing on various Smolnet projects like #Lagrange.

I started working on Doomsday Engine in 1999 and somehow that project is still ongoing, too (although on hiatus currently).

PGP public key fingerprint: 1567 4AE4 9866 7047 A3EB 9431 BACC FCFB 98DB 2EDC



Ich schreibe Computern was sie machen sollen, finde heraus was mein Sohn machen mag, Kippe Kaffee in mich rein und mag Wände hoch klettern.
Ich möchte, das Städte lebenswerter sind und vielleicht die ganze Gesellschaft und die Welt das bleibt.
Wohne in Köln