Alex Schroeder

Open on

Biology, Plants, Birds, Photography, Switzerland, Emacs, Wiki, Gemini, Programming, Tea, Drawing, Music. Moving over from, slowly.
Languages: gsw de en fr pt.


just read the instructions

I'm Daniel, I've been involved with activism for most of my life, and I have a life-long interest in the intersection of technology and class/privilege.

Parent to four kids, oldest of which is now at University (which is astonishing as I'm still only 25...)

I love reading, and try to post about books I love, which are usually Science Fiction and Fantasy.

Been on fedi since 2011. Mastodon since Apr 2017.


Writer type. Educator & translator, based in Prague, Czech Republic. Born in Britain. Irish citizen. photo:


…just some guy with a camera.

Also #chinese #classicalchinese #italian
#python #lisp

Esther Payne :bisexual_flag:

I discovered when I graduated from Computer Science I prefer people to programming. I toot about privacy and about how RFC1984 relates to that. My main interest at the moment is the threat of mass data collection and surveillance. I like to raise awareness of this RFC:

I also like talking about @librecast.

Signée of #PHPledge. #CovidIsStillHere #LongCovid

Pronouns : she/her

Been on the Fediverse since 2017

Gwenfar's Garden

My gardening & general musings account. Also my back-up account for @GwenfarsGarden.

Gwenfar, not Gwen. Gardening, plants, plant mage! Garlic Lover. Occasional garden designer. MECFS (slow onset) & disabled, spoonie. Also loves pre-1660 British history, Sci-fi, & cats. Anarchist. Formerly lived on the lands of the Woiworung & Boonwurrung peoples, Melbourne. #TransRights #FreePalestine. #FeministKilljoy. Dysgu Cymraeg.

Hooman to @FreyaKitteh

Lars Hausmann

Father, Husband, Martial Artist, Software Developer. Everything and nothing.

Old account was @SharksOnCoffee

Gergely Nagy 🐁

A tiny mouse, a hacker | 🏷 #keyboard, #firmware, #WholeLotOfRandomStuff

Dear Facebook: :female_presenting_nipple:

liebach 🏳️‍🌈

I am exhausted from faking being normal for half a century, so I'm trying to stop and be the best me I can be. Danish. He/him.


Paul Goble, technical writer in the USA. I help scientists solve their most difficult measurement problems. I hope your day is better because we have met!

Bastien Guerry

I try to understand the relationshop between freedom and computers. I participate to the free software/culture movement since 1998. I love GNU Emacs and contribute to Org-mode.

Right now working at Etalab/DINUM as head of the Free software unit:

Compte en français:


#Bioinfomatics developer working on the IGVF project, #Python developer, #Debian Developer.

I worry about #GlobalWarming. I like #FreeSoftware. I think personal physical and digital #Privacy is an important goal. I blame cars as one of the major cause of our environmental and social problems and think cities should be #CarFree. At times I have enjoyed reading #ScienceFiction and #Fantasy though have been too busy since becoming a #Parent.

Profile pic is an orange cat sleeping curled up next to a plastic sword both on top of a plastic bin.

Header picture is a grey and white cat underneath some indoor palm fronds eating the fronds.


Unix geek and open source software enthusiast. Tabletop game nerd. Podcaster, musician, multimediatician. Slacker since [Slackware] 12.0