Kadsenchaos Kadsenchaos@octodon.social

Open on octodon.social

Woman in Engineering, LGBTQ+ ally, Traveller, Scientist, Food lover, Wine drinker, Coffee enthusiast, Bike lover, Weather and climate interested, Fan of the communist Känguru.


nocci @nocci@social.fedipost.net

playing around with #gotosocial

Fearful white Firefly - insane by design - always try to look at the bright side of life. Be nice. - StubenHacker - im Netz seit ca. 1986 - Überlebender - PTBS - #notjustsad
Früher mal im NOC - irgendwas mit Funk und so... Nordlicht.

Pronomen: er/ihn

| no fascism | no racism |

The Kyiv Independent [unofficial] @the_kyiv_independent

Unofficial posting for The Kyiv Independent daily update & summary from Ukraine

Website: https://kyivindependent.com/

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